It is the Drive For Change campaign’s mission to help reduce the risk of death and injury on Bermuda’s roads. We pledge to advocate for the solutions that have proven successful in other jurisdictions. We will serve as an educational tool for the community and encourage a grassroots movement to effect change.
Traffic diverted after serious crash in Paget
Traffic diversions were put in place after a serious crash in Paget last night. According to police, the single-vehicle incident happened on South Shore near [...]
Drink-driver caught three times over the limit
A driver who was pulled over by police after running a red light was more than three times over the legal blood-alcohol limit, Magistrates’ Court [...]
Collision on Middle Road in Devonshire
A car and a motorcycle have been involved in a collision near the junction of Chaingate Hill and Middle Road, Devonshire. Police advised shortly before [...]
Police bike crash forces diversion
There has been a serious, single-vehicle crash involving a police motorcycle near the junction of Paynters Road and Harrington Sound Road in Smith’s. Eastbound traffic [...]
Senior faulted in court for 2022 collision
A man who struck another motorist in Pembroke has incurred a $1,000 fine in Magistrates’ Court. Sinclair Simmons, 74, admitted driving his car without due [...]
Advocate for the introduction of non-selective roadside sobriety testing
Advocate for the effective use of speed camera technology
Advocate for the introduction of a mandatory graduated licensing programme for Bermuda’s road users
Raise awareness of road safety and encourage a grass roots, community-wide effort to effect change