Dear Sir,
I address this letter to all operators of motor vehicles. For those of you who think Cavendish Road — or any road in Bermuda — is a test track for the Daytona 500, I ask you to please, please, please slow down!
Where are you going that you need to travel so fast? If you’re late for work or an appointment, I suggest you leave home earlier next time. Your speeding can result in serious damage to your vehicle, those of other drivers, and even pedestrians — like those of us walking on the sidewalks.
Worst-case scenario, your spouse, mother or father gets a phone call to say you have been in a crash — or worse.
I realise that most of these comments, repeated over and over again by so many of us, fall on deaf ears. However, I will tell you this much — the hospital may be short of beds on the wards, but there is probably room in the morgue.
I beg you to slow down!