Dear Sir,
My wife and I were pleased to spend a week on your beautiful set of islands last week. It was my wife’s first visit and my second, with my first visit being 40 years ago. The scenic beauty was incredible and everyone we spoke to were friendly and helpful. Thanks go to Wednesday’s outstanding tour guide/taxi driver Gerome Thomas and the roof painter, Charles, who we enjoyed conversing with during an evening meal at the excellent Specialty Inn.
During a shopping trip in downtown Hamilton, one day, we met a resident who was walking her dog. She asked me how I liked Bermuda and, since I had just parked the car after driving from the northern tip of St George Island, I was a bit nervous from the drive.
I told her that we had rented a small electric car and, wanting to be a proper guest in Bermuda, I strictly abided by Bermuda’s 35km/h speed limit. I told her that I must have annoyed the “locals”, as evidenced by the tailgating practice of many drivers. Also, the motor scooter drivers, usually young, were clearly passing vehicles at twice the legal limit and dangerously “splitting” their own narrow lane, along the centre line, between vehicles travelling in opposite direction.
Once, while signalling a move to the left shoulder and braking — to allow the numerous vehicles behind me to speed on — the driver behind me almost hit my rental car. The next day, while driving around sightseeing, I came upon a crash scene where one driver had run into the rear of a car ahead of them.
The nice lady walking her dog, hearing my stories, told me that I should write a letter to the editor of the newspaper, describing the dangerous driving practices which I observed. I told her that I would do so and bought a copy of The Royal Gazette to obtain the particulars.
Arlington, Texas